The worldwide growth of COVID-19 has likely turned your typical schedule upside down.

In uncertain times you can feel good in knowing your residence is your safe area. You’re probably spending more time there now. As a result, your indoor air quality is now more critical than ever.

Were you aware we can install indoor air quality products in your house that offer hospital-grade filtration? These solutions can remove bacteria from your air, as well as allergens, odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Today’s residences are tightly airtight, which is great for energy efficiency. But it also means your indoor air can be worse than the air outside. In actuality, the EPA says it can be two to five times worse than outdoors. This can lead to issues since we spend about 90% of our time inside.

There are many factors that can cause poor indoor air quality, including cleaning products and air fresheners. These may lead to headaches and exasperate allergies and asthma.

There are several things you can do to better your air quality. Some include improved air filters, an air purification system or an ultraviolet (UV) germicidal light.

Not sure which solution is right for your residence? Our skilled techs can conduct an indoor air quality audit. Based upon the results, we can then recommend the best solution for your home’s unique needs.

Keep reading to discover more about the air quality equipment we sell.