As the hot summer heat starts to fade and the refreshingly cool weather of fall starts to settle in, residents of Portland start preparing their homes and yards for the winter. For many, that leads to the question of whether they need to cover their exterior AC for the winter.
While it may seem like a good idea, the truth is there are a number of reasons why you shouldn’t cover your AC unit in the winter. On top of not being something you need to do, covering your outdoor air conditioning equipment can even cause problems.
Here, the experts at All Solutions Heating & Cooling share five reasons why covering your air conditioner doesn’t need to be on your fall to-do list and what you should do instead.
1. Your AC Unit Isn’t Damaged by Snow
Outdoor AC units are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions like snow in the winter season. These machines are built with sturdy materials and components that can handle the outdoor elements without damage. The coils and fins of the unit are constructed to resist corrosion, and the housing is manufactured to protect the internal parts from moisture and debris.
2. Covering AC Systems can Encourage Mold
One of the reasons you should avoid covering your air conditioner in the winter is because doing so can trap moisture—which is not at all what you want in your outdoor unit. That’s because allowing moisture to collect inside the unit produces the perfect conditions for mold and mildew to thrive.
Mold and mildew not only have a bad odor, but they can also present health risks, especially for people with respiratory issues or allergies. Also, the trapped moisture can corrode the internal components of the AC unit.
As an alternative to covering the unit, instead make sure the unit has proper drainage and keep the area around the unit cleared of debris, allowing for efficient airflow and preventing moisture buildup.
3. Your Covered Air Conditioning Unit Can Host Animals
People aren’t the only ones who prepare for winter. Animals that live around your home are also looking for a warm, cozy place to crash for the cold months. For many critters, a covered air conditioner is an ideal winter home.
Birds, mice, chipmunks and even rats frequently make winter dens inside covered ai