Even after temperatures are just right indoors, some homeowners notice their sense of comfort does not feel satisfactory. A common culprit is poor indoor air quality, with allergens and airborne debris stirring up a number of problems. From triggering asthma to promoting mold, higher air quality should be considered an important part of your overall HVAC plan.
Fortunately, homeowners have a solution within reach. Whole-house air purifiers can remove these troublesome particles, improving health and well-being. And as the name points out, they’re capable to do so for the whole house! A new, high-efficiency air purifier from All Solutions Heating & Cooling may be the last thing you need to iron out those stubborn comfort problems.
But wait, aren’t there air purifiers that are portable? While the principle is mostly the same, it doesn’t take long to see these smaller designs won’t be as effective. But you deserve to know for certain. We’ll share some details about why whole house air purification is the right choice over a portable system. It and other indoor air quality services in Portland are among the most effective solutions for achieving the highest possible air quality.
Why Do I Need an Air Purifier?
When you mention pollution or airborne particles, annoyances like pollen, animal dander, and even industrial fumes might come to mind. These substances are all easily found outdoors, but it’s when they find their way into your home that they really start to cause problems.
The problem is that modern homes are built with a tight seal s