Everyone’s always looking to save money on their utility bills, but it turns out there’s a way to lower energy use, even when you're not even home.
It starts with your thermostat. By learning more about its special features and settings, you can help the thermostat plan for your preferred temperatures. You can create a number of automated temperature settings for when you’re at home, away or even when you’re sleeping.
With a few simple adjustments, you have more time to enjoy pleasant temperatures while cutting down your energy bills. Take a look at a few ways your thermostat doesn't have to use up all your summer spending money:
While at Home
Pretty much whenever you're home, you want a nice range of pleasant temperatures. For the most part, you probably have your thermostat lower in the summer while inside to make the most of the cool air.
But in terms of energy efficiency, the best range for when you're in your home during the summer is in fact anywhere between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. With this adjustment, you'll keep cool while keeping your energy bill more manageable.
While Out of the House
When it comes to setting the temperature for a vacation or other trip away from the house, it's extremely common to move the thermostat higher than normal.
For some homes, you can set the thermostat to higher temperatures like 88 degrees while no one is home before you adjust it back to the sweet spot of 78-80 degrees after you return. This way, your air conditioning unit won’t be working overtime to keep an empty house cool.
While Asleep
To enjoy a good night's sleep during the summer, you want a nice cool temperature. You should try and keep things between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit. You won't have to worry about getting too hot or too cold at some point overnight.
Other Ways to Use Less Energy:
- Smart thermostat installation: Trying a smart thermostat in the summer helps save money on energy costs by automatically adjusting to your lifestyle and home environment. A smart thermostat manages the temperature if you are home or sleeping, while allowing it to warm up when no one is home. With models like the Lennox iComfort, you can adjust the temperature remotely through your smartphone, tablet or laptop. Requesting smart ther