When your air conditioner is clean and operating right, it’s not normal to be smelling anything odd. Peculiar air conditioner noises and strange smells are a clue that something is off. If your air conditioner is aging or you haven’t had maintenance done lately, they can be an obvious sign you need skilled air conditioning repair in Portland.

Here are six of the top air conditioner smells and how you can resolve them.

1. Central Air Conditioner Smells Like Chemicals

If your air conditioner smells bad when turned on, especially a chemical odor, it isn’t a good sign. You might also observe your:

  • Air conditioner smells like paint thinner
  • Home air conditioner smells sweet

These sweet, chemical odors are frequently a sign that your air conditioner is suffering from a refrigerant leak. Your system needs this gas to move heat through copper coils, which can wear out as time passes.

Four Clues You Have a Refrigerant Leak

Besides the odd smell, here are four other hints that you are dealing with a refrigerant leak.

  1. Bubbling or hissing sounds when your air conditioner is on.
  2. Ice crystals on refrigerant lines or the evaporator coil.
  3. It’s hard keeping your house comfortable or having your programmed temperature.
  4. Higher energy expenses.

How You Can Repair It

A refrigerant leak needs skilled assistance from a heating and cooling company like All Solutions Heating & Cooling. Your cooling professional will find and mend the leak before recharging your system with refrigerant.

Repairing a refrigerant leak typically costs between $225 and $1,600, based on nationwide averages compiled by HomeAdvisor. Your exact cost will depend on the location and severity of the leak, as well as how much time it takes to repair.

If your air conditioner was installed prior to 2010, there’s a high probability it uses R-22 or Freon refrigerant. This refrigerant is no longer being made as a result of its negative effects on the ozone layer. As a result, repairs can be very expensive so it may be smartest to schedule air conditioning installation in this instance.

2. Air Conditioner Smells Like Gas

If your air conditioner smells like rotten eggs, there’s likely nothing wrong with it. But there’s a good chance you have a natural gas leak in your home. Natural gas has a sulfur-like additive to alert you when there’s