During cold and flu season, strong indoor air quality can protect you and your family. Along with reducing airborne illness, improving IAQ delivers even more benefits like better airflow and a better sense of comfort. Your local experts at All Solutions Heating & Cooling can help you understand the specific strategies indoor air quality services have to prevent common airborne illnesses like the cold or flu. With the right combination of services and equipment, you can address your specific IAQ concerns for years to come. 

Don't let cold and flu season compromise your health. Try these 5 tips for ensuring your indoor air is ready for winter. To schedule an appointment, call All Solutions Heating & Cooling at 971-245-2459 today.  

A Few Tips for Protecting Your Indoor Air Quality Through Cold and Flu Season 

1. Consider a UV Germicidal Lamp 

UV lamps target microorganisms including carriers of the flu. Bacteria and other organic particles are deactivated in powerful ultraviolet light, stopping them from spreading impacting your air quality. 

2. Manage Your Humidity with a Humidifier/Dehumidifier  

Too much or too little humidity can create problems with your air quality. For instance, dry air can bother your skin or sinuses, while moist air may encourage mold and mildew. A humidifier or dehumidifier keeps your home’s moisture levels in better balance for a more co